Hearing loss and its treatment
The sooner an ENT specialist is consulted, the better
Hearing loss
Hearing loss needs to be treated quickly! The treatment of hearing loss is more successful the earlier a medical professional diagnoses it. If you wait too long, the acoustic memories in the brain fade more and more. Affected persons must then laboriously relearn this lost acoustic "knowledge". Therefore, do not hesitate to have hearing problems examined by a specialist.

Treat hearing loss and maintain quality of life
Hearing touches all facets of our lives: we develop and understand language through our hearing, we participate in social life, we enjoy music, movies, voices and laughter, and the sounds of nature. Our ears warn us of dangers, for example in traffic or at work. All of this is at risk if, at the first signs of hearing loss, we do not consult a specialist early enough to seek diagnosis and possible treatment.
The biggest problem, however, is that if a hearing loss is not diagnosed by an ENT doctor and subsequently fitted with hearing aids by a hearing care professional, the brain gradually loses parts of the hearing experience. Thus, it also loses the ability to process acoustic information.
These acoustic memories in the brain fade more and more and have to be relearned by the affected person.
The treatment of hearing loss - the specialist is in demand
If a hearing loss is diagnosed in time by a doctor, he can often avert permanent hearing loss through therapy. Especially with conductive hearing loss in the middle ear, good treatment successes are possible.
Surgical interventions by a medical doctor can be successful, for example, in the case of otosclerosis or a stiffened ossicle.
Hearing loss, middle ear infections and circulatory disorders in the ear can also be successfully treated with medication.
After successful treatment of hearing loss by an ENT specialist, it is advisable to protect hearing that has already been affected. A custom-made hearing protector, for example, can help prevent a recurrence of hearing loss.
In case of sudden hearing problems, see a doctor quickly!
The hearing loss does not occur gradually, but suddenly? Then those affected should react quickly and have the hearing loss treated in order to prevent permanent hearing loss.
If excessive volume has caused the hearing problems, the suspicion of hearing loss or tinnitus is obvious. In this case, an immediate reaction is imperative, since an immediate medical therapy promises the best possible chances of recovery.
Early action is also recommended when gradual hearing loss is suspected. The cause and nature of the hearing loss must be clarified in order to treat it effectively. This is the only way to prevent a worsening of the hearing loss.
For hearing loss and its treatment, the family doctor is the first point of contact. He will examine a sufferer to see if, for example, an infection, an injury or a plug of earwax is the reason for the hearing problem. If necessary, the family doctor will refer the patient to an ear, nose and throat specialist.
In cases of sensorineural hearing loss, modern hearing aid technology from KIND can compensate for the hearing loss.
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